洞悉茂兰,“益”路黔行——贵州公益主题探究Guizhou Public Welfare Exploration Journey

挑战自我、突破自我,IHP G11贵州公益主题探究之旅,深入生态前沿,践行环保责任,走入茂兰小学,为孩子们带去知识与希望。
Embrace the spirit of challenging and surpassing yourself! In this remarkable IHP G11 Guizhou public welfare theme exploration journey, we ventured deep into the ecological frontier, shouldered our environmental protection responsibilities with great dedication, and stepped into Maolan Primary School, kindling the flames of knowledge and sowing the seeds of hope among the children.
Set against the backdrop of the picturesque green mountains and limpid waters in Guizhou, we did more than just pushing our personal boundaries. Through tangible deeds, we enabled love and responsibility to take firm root and sprout vibrantly within the hearts of each and every one of us, like the most beautiful blossoms blooming in this land filled with warmth and vitality.