IHP国际高中University Offers:跨越中美的教育桥梁,助力优质升学新篇章
IHP国际高中(岭南国际交流联合书院)依托美国得州国际领袖高中的美国高中课程,融合了AP美国大学先修课程、英语提升课程及中国文化特色课程,为学生提供多元化、国际化的教育体系。并致力于提供多元的升学途径,并取得优异成绩。 IHP International High School (Lingnan International United College) integrates the U.S. high school curriculum from Texas International Leadership School with AP courses, English enhancement programs, and Chinese culture courses to provide a diversified and international education system. We are committed to offering multiple pathways for higher education, achieving remarkable results. 橙红橘绿迎喜报,又是一年申请季的收获时刻! Celebrating Success: Another Fruitful Application Season Begins! 随着2025申请季的盛大启幕,IHP国际高中喜讯频传——截止到2024年11月28日,IHP学生们已经陆续收到多封世界名校的录取通知书! The 2025 application season is underway, and offers from prestigious universities are pouring in! As of November 26, 2024, all 23 IHP students have received multiple admission offers from world-renowned universities! 喜报速览 • 部分学生已成功迈入QS世界大学排名前100的高等学府,展露锋芒; •Some students have been admitted to universities ranked in the top 100 of the QS World University Rankings. • 部分学生凭借卓越表现,成功跻身世界TOP50顶尖学府之列,实现自我超越; •Others have successfully gained admission to the top 50 universities worldwide. • 还有学生一次性收获了4封以上来自不同名校的珍贵录取通知,彰显出非凡的实力与广泛的认可。 •Several students have received three or more offers from prestigious universities! 榜样力量

• Yuri Zou 踏入英国西伦敦大学伦敦音乐学院的大门,
These outstanding achievements reflect the unwavering efforts of our students and the dedication of our education team. In the days ahead, let’s look forward to even more success stories and witness more dreams take flight!
For more details, follow our official WeChat account. Stay inspired and keep dreaming!