
















心里有光,能抵千斤重压。2023年11月SpaceX星舰在万众瞩目下升空失败、付诸一炬,马斯克依然面露微笑:“相比上次发射,距离成功更近了一步。”事实上,早在2006年3月,SpaceX的第一枚火箭猎鹰1号首次发射升空后迅速失控坠海。马斯克付之一笑:“我们得到了25秒的数据,也算是一种成功。”一年后,猎鹰1号再次发射失败,他备受打击却毫不气馁,二十年如一日地坚持。SpaceX在他的带领下势如破竹,仅2023年就向太空发射了 92 枚运载火箭。











Light up Our Hearts to Go Forward Fearlessly

Life is always full of twists and turns. On this sunny winter day, let’s go forward with dreams to embrace the new year of 2024.

In the past year of 2023, the great pleasures are that we could reunite with friends after three years into the pandemic; China’s economy continued to revive and real estate bubbles were suppressed; significant breakthroughs were made in technological innovation, and Chinese scientists produced rich achievements in such fields as quantum computing, AI, aerospace, ...... In this process, ChatGPT has emerged suddenly and may potentially disrupt many industries including education; although growth has been realized in consumption, investment and exports, uncertainties are still looming.

We embarked on a new journey as the situation warranted. In 2023, Tongman Education Group stepped up efforts in teacher training, and improved the professional competence and teaching skills of the teachers; our commitment to building a high-quality logistics service team gained industry recognition; and we focused on the building of the quality-oriented education business sector, laying a solid foundation for future market expansion. Huawai-Tongman Foreign Language School held a new school signboard unveiling ceremony on September 28, 2023, but will carry on its original philosophy of “Embrace China, Embrace the World”, and adhere to its truth-pursuing path steadfastly.

All lessons learned and all difficulties overcome in the past will become starlight that shows the way forward. We gain momentum in hard times and derive hopes of success from all failures.

We shouldn’t be trapped in the past, but should believe that nothing is impossible for a willing heart. A master says, “Always look into the future and be ahead of destiny.” The future is not a distant concept, but composed of everyone’s actions and choices. The confidence in the distant future is even more valuable in chaotic and hard times.

In 2024, staying optimistic and lighting up our hearts to go forward fearlessly is the fundamental guiding principle for educational workers.

A bright heart is full of hopes. Basketball star Yao Ming experienced many injuries and difficulties in his career, but kept giving himself positive suggestions. In the final round competition of the 2019 World Ranking Tournament, the Chinese men’s basketball team was ultimately beaten by a strong rival and disqualified for direct admission to the Tokyo Olympics though they did their best. Yao Ming, Chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, sat on the substitute bench with tearful eyes. In an interview, he said optimistically, “We still have chances, including the FIBA Asia Cup in February and the pre-Olympic tournament in June. Anyway, as long as there is a flash of hope, we will fight for it.”

A bright heart is fearless of stresses. When the SpaceX starship was burned down after a launching failure amidst extensive attention in November 2023, Musk still said with a smile, “We are one step closer to success compared to the last launch.” In fact, as early as March 2006, SpaceX’s first rocket Falcon 1 quickly went out of control and fell into the sea after its first launch. Musk said lightly, “We have got data for 25 seconds, which may be some kind of success.” Although Falcon 1 encountered another launching failure one year later, he has never been frustrated but stayed on target for 20 years in a row. Under his leadership, SpaceX has developed smoothly, with 92 carrier rockets launched into space in 2023 alone.

A bright heart stands the test of time. For example, a young couple named Liangliang and Lijun in Henan, full of hope for life, spent all their savings to buy a house in Zhengzhou on loan, but the house was left unfinished due to the developer’s insolvency. In such a situation, they have been making a living by all means, including live streaming, and finally turned the corner. Currently, they are enjoying a warm family life in a rented house.

A bright heart is never frustrated. For instance, although famous poet Li Bai in the movie Chang An had no way to give play to his talent and serve the country, he still wrote liberally, “My talent will be eventually recognized and rewarded, despite of initial setbacks.”

Let’s light up our hearts to go forward fearlessly. That is not to be blindly confident and denying the reality, but to see positive aspects and future hopes based on a rational analysis. Rather than being anxious and hesitant, why not go ahead bravely in face of difficulties and obstacles? Rather than sticking to old ways, why not pursue innovation and progress boldly to create a bright future?

Facing the future, we should take a long-term approach without feeling pessimistic and without lying down. Action is the only means leading to success and optimism is the beacon that shows our way forward.

There are always countless future possibilities. Let’s simply embrace the current new journey without hesitation in the new year. May luck be always with us in the new journey! Happy New Year 2024!

Winnie He

Chairman of Tongman Education Group and Director-general of the Affiliated Huawai-Tongman Foreign Language School 

December 31, 2023

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